Monday, October 03, 2005

It's All About the Ride

It recently occurred to me that many of us have daily or weekly experiences on our Goldwings that are only occasionally captured in our newsletter. If you are like me, you think about writing an article for the newsletter about your experience or what made the ride unique but never quite get around to submitting it to Jim and Elaine. It sometimes feels to me like time is slipping away. I ride my bike almost every day. In fact, in the last month, I have only driven my truck twice. During these rides to school or work, I see interesting places, people and things that I would like to share with my fellow Goldwingers. Then, as fortune would have it, I miss the next meeting.

This week, I expanded my horizons to include blogging. Yes, I had heard about about it...and even visited a few blogs, but the honest truth is that I couldn't think of a reason why I needed one. That is until now. I created my first blog this past weekend for my web site that the flight school students use. I often get e-mails from prospective students asking for information or clarification on information on the web site. So this weekend it occurred to me that I could create a blog for the site where students and others could share comments and information about flight school. Then, as I was sitting here tonight it dawned on me that we could do the same thing with the Goldwing site.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone in the chapter could write short descriptions of a ride they went on, places they've been, tips, tricks, techniques, or even safety information? For instance, I just discovered an ad about the new airbag on the 2006 Goldwing. Hey, that could go on the blog! You get the idea.

So jump in and add a post. Share your experiences and ideas. There is no reason that we can't be a community outside of our monthly meetings. Go ahead, take the plunge...make a post!


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